python 如果有导入numpy模块的import语句,会导致默认将多进程程序的每个进程都绑定到同一个CPU core上,
失去了多进程在多核CPU上的性能优越性,这和CPU affinity(CPU亲和性)有关,解决办法:
Python refuses to use multiple cores – solution
I was trying to get to work and I noticed that if I run two Python scripts simultaneously – say, in two different terminals – they use the same core. Hence, I get no speedup from multiprocessing/parallel Python. After some searching around, I found out that in some circumstances importing causes Python to stick all computations in one core. This is an issue with , and apparently it only happens for some mixtures of Numpy and BLAS libraries – other packages may cause the CPU affinity issue as well.
There’s a package called (Linux only AFAIK) that lets you set and get CPU affinity. Download it, run python install, and run this in Python or :
1 2 3 4 | In [ 1 ]: import affinity In [ 2 ]: affinity.get_process_affinity_mask( 0 ) Out[ 2 ]: 63 |
This is good: 63 is a bitmask corresponding to 111111 – meaning all 6 cores are available to Python. Now running this, I get:
1 2 3 4 | In [ 4 ]: import numpy as np In [ 5 ]: affinity.get_process_affinity_mask( 0 ) Out[ 5 ]: 1 |
So now only one core is available to Python. The solution is simply to set the CPU affinity appropriately after import numpy, for instance:
1 2 3 4 5 | import numpy as np import affinity import multiprocessing affinity.set_process_affinity_mask( 0 , 2 * * multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1 ) |